
June 8, 2016

2601 ROMANIA (Constanţa) - The Archaeological Park in Constanţa

Founded on the Black Sea coast around 600 BC by Greek colonists as Tomis, Constanţa is the oldest continuously inhabited city in Romania. In 29 BC the Romans conquered the region, and after the 5th century, the city fell under the rule of the Eastern Roman Empire. Tomis was later renamed to Constantiana in honour of Constantia, the half-sister of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (274-337). The legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.

A railroad linking Constanţa to Cernavodă was opened in 1860. In spite of damage done by railway contractors there are considerable remains of ancient masonry walls, pillars, etc. An impressive public building, thought to have originally been a port building, has been excavated, and contains the substantial remains of one of the longest mosaic pavements in the world. A number of inscriptions found in the city show that Constanţa lies where Tomis once stood.

In the past century was arranged, near the city’s main intersection, the Ferdinand Avenue and the Tomis Avenue, the Archaeological Park, which has remains of the 3rd-century Roman city wall, with two gateways of the city, and the Butchers' Tower, rebuilt during the reign of Justinian, in the 6th century. Its alleys seem to be a history museum exhibition halls, being framed by columns, pottery and other historical artifacts dating back to the Roman-Byzantine stonghold.

About the stamp
Prepaid postcard (the coat of arms of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1965-1989)

Constanţa - Wikipedia
The Archaeological Park - Litoralul Românesc

Sender: Gică
Sent from Costineşti (Constanţa / Romania), on 25.08.1980
Photo: Al. Florescu

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