
May 25, 2017

3065 DENMARK (Nordjylland) - Jens Bang's House in Aalborg

Jens Bang's House, on Østerågade in Nytorv square, near the old town hall of Aalborg, is one of Denmark's best examples of 17th-century domestic architecture. Built in 1624 by the Aalborg merchant Jens Bang in the Dutch Renaissance style, the four-story sandstone building is noted for its rising gables and sculpted auricular window decorations. For over 300 years, it has housed the city's oldest pharmacy. The Svaneapotek (Swan Pharmacy) collection is now housed in one of the upper rooms, as a small pharmacy museum known as Apotekersamlingen.

The house originally had five round-arched doorways, probably topped by some of the sculpted figures and gargoyles which now crown the windows. The ground floor was used for trading booths and warehousing. In addition to the residential rooms on the first floor, there were also warehouses in the building. Bang's own rooms on the first floor were lit by a row of enormous windows with sandstone frames. Their round-arches are decorated with angels and gargoyles in the auricular Baroque style.

About the stamp
The stamp is part of a series of definitive stamps depicting national coat of arms of Denmark, begun in 1946 and continues through at least 2010. This is the newest stamp of the series until now, issued on October 26, 2010.

Jens Bang's House - Wikipedia

Sender: Marius Vasilescu
Sent from Aalborg (Nordjylland / Denmark), on 17.05.2017 

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