October 1, 2013

0821 BRAZIL (Paraná) - Curitiba, the Model City

Capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná, Curitiba is the largest city in the prosperous Southern region, and also a cultural, political, and economic center. Founded in 1693 by the Portuguese on a plateau at 932m above sea level, at 105 km west of the sea port of Paranaguá, between cattle-breeding country and marketplaces, the town has developed quite quickly. Between 1850 and 1950, it grew due to logging and agricultural expansion in the Paraná State, and the waves of European immigrants (mainly Germans, Italians, Poles, Russians and Ukrainians) contributed to its economic and cultural development.

The biggest city expansion occurred after the 1950s, with an innovative urban planning (known worldwide) that changed the population size from some hundreds of thousands to more than a million people. Curitiba's current economy is based on industry and services and is the fourth largest economy in Brazil. According to Reader's Digest, Curitiba is the best "Brazilian Big City" in which to live, and is also considered the most "organized, clean and safe" Brazilian metropolis, one of its nickname being Cidade Verde ("Green City"). More than that, it was recently recommended by UNESCO as a model for the reconstruction of the cities of Afghanistan. 

About the stamps
The first stamp, depicting a trumpet, is part of a series of ten, issued in 2002. The second, issued on October 22, 2012, was dedicated to Postal Bank. The third, depicting a sapateiro (shoe repairman), is part of the series Profissões (Professions), about which I wrote here. 

Curitiba - Wikipedia 

sender: Genesio Wagner (direct swap)
sent from Parobé (Rio Grande do Sul / Brazil), on 16.05.2013

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