December 27, 2016

2919 MALAYSIA (Kedah) - A craftsman making a rattan chair

Rattan is the name for roughly 600 species of climbing palms belonging to subfamily Calamoideae, also known as manila, or malacca, named after the ports of shipment Manila and Malacca City, and as manau (from the Malay rotan manau, the trade name for Calamus manan canes in Southeast Asia). The climbing habit is associated with the characteristics of its woody stem, soft and flexible comparing to true wood derived from a typical secondary growth. They are not trees but are vine-like lianas, scrambling through and over other vegetation.

Generally, raw rattan is processed into several products to be used as materials in furniture making. From a strand of rattan, the skin is usually peeled off, to be used as rattan weaving material. The remaining "core" of the rattan can be used for various purposes in furniture making. Rattan is a very good material mainly because it is lightweight, durable, suitable for outdoor use, and - to a certain extent - flexible. Rattan accepts paints, so it is available in many colours.

About the stamp
The stamp is part of the Perak definitive stamp series themed Garden Flowers, about which I wrote here.

Rattan - Wikipedia

Sender: Shane Tan (direct swap)
Sent from Puchong (Selangor / Malaysia), on 07.11.2016

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