October 31, 2016

2848 PORTUGAL (Viseu) - Soar Door in Viseu

Located approximately 50km East of the Atlantic ocean and surrounded by a number of mountains, Viseu was populated throughout history by a series of cultures, that include the Romans, Suebs, Visigoths and Moors. During the Middle Ages, the city often served as seat for Visigothic nobles (such as King Roderic), and is considered one of the probable birthplaces of Afonso Henriques. Following his successful defense of his hereditary rights, and supported by nobles and clergy, Afonso Henriques founded the Kingdom of Portugal in 1139.

During the 1383-85 Crisis, the city was besieged by the forces of Juan I of Castile, leading to King John I of Portugal starting construction on a series of defensive fortifications which would continue being built until the reign of King Afonso V of Portugal. The remains of the walls can still be seen nowadays, but from the seven existing city doors, only Porta do Soar and Porta dos Cavaleiros lingered. Built in 1472, Porta do Soar contains the shield of Portugal, and a small niche with the image of San Francisco. Walking through the door, on the other side is the Plaza del Pintor Gata, wherein lies the impressive Chapel of Our Lady of the Remedies.

About the stamp
The stamp is part of the series Extreme Sports, about which I wrote here.

Viseu - Wikipedia
Porta do soar or two arch melo - minube.net 

Sender: Miguel / Miguel-Isaias (postcrossing) PT-493855
Sent from Viseu (Viseu / Portugal), on 19.10.2016

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